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Characteristics of a Good Survival Knife


Deliberate consideration of what goes into your hiking or camping gear before taking the trip is a common differentiating factor between life and death. You would want something light enough that would not bog you down as you slither through the undergrowth. While this might sound like an incentive to packing as less as you can, leaving some things out of your kit or carrying the wrong one could be detrimental.


Choosing the ultimate survival kit should be at the top of the list when preparing to move out. The thing to focus on when choosing the items that go into it is something you can easily wield and use in most of the set scenarios. To achieve this, you have to focus on getting different kit components that double up as another thing hence cutting down on the number of things you have to pack to get your work done while on the field with the Best pocket Knife Sharpener.


The perfect knife for your kit, therefore, should be something that can take on a multitude of tasks with impressive simplicity and efficiency. This is what you should have in mind when looking for the ultimate survival knife. You should be looking forward to something that you cannot only use for the delicate jobs like shaving a toothpick but also something sturdy enough to cut through vines and leather. Getting such a blade will rid you of the need to carry multiple blades to handle the different tasks. Read more about pocket knives here at


With the knife handling a multitude of tasks at a go, you would be risking contamination if it is not easy to clean. A true stainless steel blade with a compact design has no places for the dirt to hide in. With such a knife, you can comfortably use it to cut up your meat provided you washed it thoroughly with the right tools after cutting up some vines to put up your camping tent.


With so many things going on, the blade ought to be versatile enough to endure all the pressure. To survive in the jungle without the need of a file or a sharpening stone, you would need a blade that is hard enough to survive and keep sharp regardless of the nature of things you cut or saw though. This means going for brittle steel is never a good option. It is a fact that you would rarely have the time to sharpen your knife making such a bad idea. You want some blade with a hard cutting edge that remains sharp for a great deal of time.


You will want a versatile knife from at the end of the day. The three parts, blade, handle and sheath should be perfect. The handle and blade should fit snugly for versatility and tenacity. The sheath should be protective enough and wieldable.s